There is big arguement about video games. Actually, i have never thought about it before. That may be because video games never attracted my attention but now i realized that it is big problem for some people. However there is some people who think that video games have some benefits. In my opinion, there is no real benefits in video games. It is just for bussiness for the companies and it is just wasting time for the players. If you don`t have anyting to do, you can spend your time on what you want and video games are one of these choises.
Most of researhes show that video games can be addictive such as gambling. Moreover it causes really big dangers on some people. Aggression , physcial health problems , social problems are the another subjects which are caused by video games. I read lots of articles , opinions in the internet. I found lots of soruces which include benefits of video games. However, it comes to me like the players wrote these articles to make them clean =) I just convinced about video games improve visiual things. It can be... But other ideas such as "it makes you more social, more detail-thinking " it is just kind of cajolery to defense themselves or to convince people about video games are useful and i am not stupid that wasting time without purpose. Anyways, i don`t mean that gamers are bad. But, i think there is no benefits of it and don`t try to delude people. There are lots of people who has nothing to do so games are good for them =)))
Enjoy your debate... Don`t take too serious and don`t fight at the class. :D
Good night!
1 comment:
spending money in video games hhh it is better to spend money in food these days. spending time is more dengrous for people especially students. i think bihter we are not going to be like that because i hope we will be in the university of concordia very soon
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