Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Video Games

There is big arguement about video games. Actually, i have never thought about it before. That may be because video games never attracted my attention but now i realized that it is big problem for some people. However there is some people who think that video games have some benefits. In my opinion, there is no real benefits in video games. It is just for bussiness for the companies and it is just wasting time for the players. If you don`t have anyting to do, you can spend your time on what you want and video games are one of these choises.
Most of researhes show that video games can be addictive such as gambling. Moreover it causes really big dangers on some people. Aggression , physcial health problems , social problems are the another subjects which are caused by video games. I read lots of articles , opinions in the internet. I found lots of soruces which include benefits of video games. However, it comes to me like the players wrote these articles to make them clean =) I just convinced about video games improve visiual things. It can be... But other ideas such as "it makes you more social, more detail-thinking " it is just kind of cajolery to defense themselves or to convince people about video games are useful and i am not stupid that wasting time without purpose. Anyways, i don`t mean that gamers are bad. But, i think there is no benefits of it and don`t try to delude people. There are lots of people who has nothing to do so games are good for them =)))
Enjoy your debate... Don`t take too serious and don`t fight at the class. :D
Good night!

Friday, August 8, 2008

My Presentation

It was really good-day today because i finished my presentation and in my opinion, i did well. My topic was the history so some parts was difficult to understand. However, i believe that i solved this problem by using lots of images. To research or explain history can be said that to turn back to the beginning of the events. And it is not always easy. Because you should focus on some main ideas and you can`t pass beyond it. Therefore, i emphazised some parts of the history. I didn`t go very deep to the past.

I was nervous and for sure, it effeced my speaking. On the other hand, i saw that most of people understood what i explained to them. I hope that it was interesting and enjoyable topic.

PS : To Know the Future, Return To the Past !
Have a nice weekend!


It is time to be happy. We all finished our big projects and i am sure that everybody did good job. It was hard time to collect informations, arrange notes, pharapres notes and finnally put them together. I have never done like that big project. It was kind of weekmare (means nightmare but it continues for weeks in Bihterlish) for me :P However, i enjoyed my topic which is about the war in Quebec city. It was really interesting and enjoyable.
Choosing this topic was my father's idea. He wanted me to learn something useful for my life. And i really learned most of things about the country where i live. To research in English and write it in English was not easy for me. It took lot of my times. However, i know that if the research project was in Turkish, it wouldn't be easy. I should say that to collect informations, choose useful ones and then make them in good organize was really hard. Writing was not hard and it didn't take too much time. Especially, in my project , there were lots of informations and some of informations went to almost at the beginning of the human. Therefore, explaining the causes in my project was so difficult and i had to jump some informations.
If i had chance to research on another project, I would focus on one book first and after learned something about my topic, i would pass another sources. Because, I really jumped from one book to another without finish one part of the book. Therefore, my mind was so messy until understanding the situations.
Anyways, it was an experience that make me awake, if i have to study hard , i am going to study hard. Now i am happy for two reasons. First one is that my stress was gone a bit and i have free time anymore :d Second one is the most important. I learned that willing is the half of the achievement.

PS : This project cost me too much and Second Cup made lots of money :D
Enjoy your day !